original post link: http://csharpsense.blogspot.in/2013/02/c-program-print-multi-dimensional-array.html
(output : 2) if we are giving size greater than 10 or less than 2
(output : 3) if we are entering input other than int type..
original post link: http://csharpsense.blogspot.in/2013/02/c-program-print-multi-dimensional-array.html
/**C# PROGRAM TO PRINT MATRIX IN SNAIL SHELL FORMAT**///for printing matrix as in the below given format// 1 2 3 4// 12 13 14 5// 11 16 15 6// 10 9 8 7using System; namespace SnailMatrix { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //int rows, cols, int size; int a = 0;// b = 1; int i, j, k, count = 0, flag = 0; do { try { Console.WriteLine("\n>>>PROGRAM To PRINT A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY walking IN A SNAIL SHELL WAY <<<"); Console.Write("\n Enter the Size of a square Matrix(between 2 to 10):"); size = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); if (size<2||size > 10) //limiting the size of matrix { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; //changing background color to red Console.WriteLine("The Size Of Matrix should Be in between 2 and 10."); //System.Console.ResetColor(); ///resetting color Console.ReadKey(); return; } else { flag = 1; int[,] matrix = new int[size, size]; for (k = 1; k < size; k++, a++) { for (i = a, j = a; j < size - k; j++) //lef { matrix[i, j] = ++count; } for (i = a, j = size - k; i < size - k; i++) { matrix[i, j] = ++count; } for (i = size - k, j = size - k; j >= a; j--) { matrix[i, j] = ++count; } for (i = size - (k + 1), j = a; i >= k; i--) { matrix[i, j] = ++count; } } // Console.Write("\n\n\t>>> " + size + " * " + size + " MATRIX <<<\n\t---------------------------------------\n\t"); Console.Write("\n\n\t"); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (matrix[i, j] < 10) { Console.Write(" 0" + Convert.ToString(matrix[i, j])); } else { Console.Write(" " + Convert.ToString(matrix[i, j])); } if (j == size - 1) { Console.Write("\n\t"); } } } } } catch //to catch exceptions,suppose string entered as a size of matrix { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("WARNING:only Number between (2 and 10) is allowed"); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t Press any key to exit...."); }while(flag==0); Console.ReadKey(); } }}
Sample Outputs:
(output : 2) if we are giving size greater than 10 or less than 2
(output : 3) if we are entering input other than int type..
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Nice post very helpful